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Report Builder

Introducing Report Builder Bookmarks.

Save a configuration of filters and fields within a report builder page to easily re-load this configuration in the future, or use to create customised Generic Reports.

To access the Report Builder page, click on the ‘Reports’ button on the navigation bar.

Then click on the ‘Builder’ button from the dropdown menu.


The Report Builder allows users to create customized CSV reports by selecting the data they want to include. For support navigating to the Report Builder page, see Reports.

On the Report Builder page, the main layout consists of:

  • Navigation

  • Bookmarks

  • Filters

  • Fields

  • Download

  • Dynamic Total

Your report builder, such as the sidebar content, may look different depending on company policies and user roles.


The navigation sidebar is used for switching between the report builder pages. The first option is the Report Bookmarks. The other sections specify the reports which can be created:

  • Assets

  • Finance Records

  • Records

  • Schedules

  • Users


The bookmarks section can be used to load previous pre-saved settings for the page of the report builder that you are on. You can also use bookmarks to create a scheduled report of custom fields and filters, see Using Report Builder Bookmarks.


The filters section can be used to narrow down the results of your report; filtering your data pool and making the report more specific to what you are interested in.


The fields section can be used to select what data you want to be returned in your report - this will be returned as headings (i.e columns) in the CSV. If you tick the ‘Asset Name’ field, this will be added as a column in your report.


The download section summarises how many items are included in your report and what headings will be used to create the CSV report.

Using these control buttons, you can choose to download the CSV immediately, send the CSV to your account's associated email address or save the selected filters and fields as a bookmark.

Dynamic Total

The dynamic total can be used alongside the filter section. This displays a summary of what items will be included in your report, i.e. what will make the ‘final list’. The items will dynamically change as you edit the filters.

⭐ Getting Started

To get started with creating your first report with the report builder, follow see Using the Report Builder

📖 More topics on Report Builder:

(lightbulb) Suggestions

"I have a suggestion of a field or filter I would like to see on my reports"

We always appreciate suggestions on how to make our services more useful and valuable to the user, so if you have suggestions for useful filters or fields on the Report Builder please Contact Axscend Support.

(question) Troubleshooting

For any issues or errors that have not been solved please Contact Axscend Support.

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