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The Asset Dashboard

The Asset Dashboard (or as formerly know, the Single Trailer View) is a breakdown of everything relevant to the selected asset. It can be accessed through:

  • Fleet or Maintenance Grid

  • Asset Lists

Fleet or Maintenance Grid

The Asset Dashboard can be accessed by clicking on the Asset Name on either The Fleet Grid or The Maintenance Grid. Do this by finding the asset you want to see more details about, and clicking on the name (Fleet No) in the row.

This will open that assets' dashboard.

Asset Lists

In some cases, each individual asset in a list of assets is clickable. Clickable widgets on the dashboard open a popup list of assets; each asset in the list can be clicked on to enter that assets dashboard.

This will open that assets' Dashboard page.

The Asset Dashboard is made up of a left navigation sidebar which is split into categorical sections with relevant headings underneath. By default, the Asset Dashboard opens on the ‘Summary’ tab in the General section.

Depending on what features your company has enabled and the permissions on your account you may see different sections and headings.

📖 More topics on Asset Dashboard:

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