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By Clicking On Point On The Map

You can add a new POI by navigating to the location of the POI using the controls and clicking directly on the map.

Controls that may be useful for this are zoom, switching between satellite or map view and click and and drag movement, for more support using map controls see Map Controls.

You can also add a new POI By Latitude And Longitude or By Searching For Geoname

Once a POI has been clicked, the left sidebar will change to the field editor where you can add details to identify the new POI when saved.

Fields marked with * are required and need to be filled before the ‘save’ button becomes active.

When all of the required fields are filled the save button will become active, and you can click ‘save’ 💾.

The POI will now appear in your list of POIs on the left sidebar.

(question) Troubleshooting

For any issues or errors that have not been solved please Contact Axscend Support.

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