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Deleting A POI

For support navigating to the Map page see Map. To delete a POI, use the left sidebar to find the POI for deletion. You can scroll the full list, use the search bar to find specific POI’s by name, or filter by a company (if you belong to more than 1 company).

When you have found the POI you want to delete, click the pencil icon ✏ to open the editor.

In the field editor, you can either edit the details or location of the POI (for more support with this see Editing A POI) or continue to delete the POI.

To delete the POI select the trash/bin icon on the toolbar.

A popup window will appear to confirm the action before proceeding.

If you are sure, press the ‘delete’ button.

The POI will no longer appear in the left sidebar.

(question) Troubleshooting

"My POI did not delete properly"

If deleting the POI was unsuccessful and it is still appearing in the left sidebar, try refreshing the window. If this is unsuccessful try deleting the POI again in case ‘Cancel’ instead of ‘Delete’ in the confirm popup.

If after these steps you are still unsuccessful you should Contact Axscend Support for more assistance.

"I deleted a POI but want it back"

We recommend only deleting POIs if you are sure it’s no longer required as once this action is done it is irreversible. You should try Creating A New POI again.

For any issues or errors that have not been solved please Contact Axscend Support.

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