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Introducing the new TrailerMaster Dashboard!

The Dashboard is your quick access to important information about your fleet. The use of numerical breakdowns, graphs and tables helps to quickly deliver an overview of the state of your assets.

Dashboards are made of widgets, which are cards of information. The widgets can be added, organised and grouped to form a dashboard of useful information.

You can access the Dashboard by clicking the Dashboard button on the top navigation bar.

The dashboard page is made up of a left navigation sidebar and the main dashboard content area on the right. On loading the page you will see your default dashboard, or if no default is set you will see the standard dashboard.


The sidebar is primarily for changing the dashboard displayed in the content section. The navigation bar on the left lists all the dashboards you have access to.

Personal dashboards will appear under the ‘My Dashboards’ section.

Dashboards created by your company will appear under ‘Company Dashboards’.

If you do not see the Company Dashboards section your company has not created company-wide dashboards yet. This section will appear when your company has at least 1 dashboard.

If you have not created a personal dashboard yet, you will see the standard dashboard (named ‘Dashboard’).

Clicking one of these dashboards will load the dashboard in the content area section.

Dashboard - Content Area

The Dashboard will be shown in the content area of the page. The dashboard is made up of widgets, which use either graphs, total values, or tables to communicate information about your fleet.

Above the dashboard is the Dashboard Options - this is your control panel to add, edit and delete dashboards.

What does each Dashboard Option mean?



Add New

To add a new dashboard.


To refresh the current dashboard and check for new data.

Add Widgets

To add widgets to the current dashboard.

Edit Grid Layout

To enter ‘grid mode', which enables you to fully customise the layout and size of widgets.


To edit the name of the current dashboard.


Create a new version of the current dashboard. This is useful for creating similar Dashboards without affecting the original.

Make My Default

To make the current dashboard your default. This will load this dashboard on navigating to, or reloading, the dashboard page.


To delete the current dashboard.

Options on a company-wide dashboard may be disabled if you do not have permission to edit this dashboard.

📖 More topics on the Dashboard:

(question) Troubleshooting

How do I see the old Dashboard?

You can still access the original TrailerMaster dashboard by selecting ‘Dashboard’ under My Dashboards.

Can other people see my Personal dashboards?

Nobody else from your company will be able to see Personal Dashboards.

If you have permission to create a Company Dashboard, other users from your company will be able to access this dashboard.

How can I change which dashboard I see by default?

You can change your default dashboard through the Dashboard Options Menu.

Doing this will mean you will see this dashboard when you open up or re-load the page, without needing to navigate it via the sidebar.

  1. Start on the dashboard you want to set as your default

  2. Go to the Dashboard Options

  3. Click ‘Make My Default’

For more support on setting a default, see Set Your Default Dashboard.

You can only have 1 default.

For any issues or errors that have not been solved please Contact Axscend Support.

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