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Resetting Your Password

If you rememeber your current password but wish to change it, see Changing Your Password.

If you forget your password there are two options to get back into your account.

  1. Resetting your password

  2. Contact your line manager who can start the password reset process for you.

Resetting Your Password

If you forget your password you can trigger the process to reset your password via the login page by clicking ‘Forgot Your Password?’.

This will prompt you for your email address, and when entered the ‘Send Password Reset Link’ button will activate.

The email address associated with your account is typically your organisation email address. This is where your password reset email will be send so if you no longer have have access to this email address please contact your line manager.

Once you see a success message please check your inbox.

Provided your email address has been entered correctly the password reset email should arrive promptly, but please allow up to 15 minutes before escalating the issue.

The password reset email you receive should look similar to this and be from the office Axscend email domain. On here you should click the ‘Reset Password’ button.

Re-enter your email address in the form and select a new secure password.

(question) Troubleshooting

"I didn't receive my password reset email"

If you did not receive an email from Axscend then please re-try the forgotten password process to ensure the correct email address was entered the first time.

If after these steps you are still unsuccessful you should Contact Axscend Support for more assistance.

"How do I create a secure password?"

By creating a secure password for your TrailerMaster account you are ensuring no unauthorised access to your organisation’s sensitive data or your own person data.

We recommend that your password meets the following requirements:

  • is over 10 characters

  • has a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters (symbols)

  • has both upper and lower case letters

  • is not easy to guess (i.e ‘passw0rd’)

  • does not contain your first or last name (i.e ‘johndoe’)

We also suggest you do not write down or share your password with anybody else.

For any issues or errors that have not been solved please Contact Axscend Support.

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