Managing TSM
Depending on your user permissions you might not have access to the Manage TSM page. If you think this is a mistake or require access please contact your line manager.
Trailer State Management (TSM®) allows you to create alerts that are monitored 24 hours a day by the system. The Manage TSM page allows you to view and modify the components that make up the TSM alerts (Rules, Actions, Link and Template).
To access Manage TSM, click on the Admin menu on the navigation bar.

Then select the ‘Manage TSM’ option on the dropdown menu.

The Manage TSM page consists of:
The left-hand sidebar, containing:
A tab bar to toggle between the components of TSM (Rules, Actions, Link and Templates).
A list of configurations belongings to the selected tab will be listed underneath.
(E.g. when the ‘Rules' tab is selected, the previously saved rules will be listed below).
The main editor and content area. This will change when the different tabs are toggled and allows you to edit or create new Rules, Actions, Link and Templates.