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Action Buttons

On the Portal, the main method of navigating the pages is mainly via the navigation bar. Pages on the Portal also make use of action buttons to navigate between the individual pages or to call other functions. Action buttons are typically encased in a circle, and commonly found in toolbars.

Although these icons are commonly primarily used for Action Buttons, you may also see them as static icons alongside text.



To add or create an entity.
E.g. adding users, assets, POIs

To save changes to an entitiy.
E.g. saving new users, assets, POIs

To reset changes to an entity to it’s original state (before changes).
E.g. resetting users, assets, POIs to their state before changes were made.

To delete an entity.
E.g. deleting a user, asset, POI

To edit an entity
E.g. editing users, assets, POIs

To download a CSV report on the data listed.
E.g. downloading a standard report in CSV format

To download a CDF report on the data listed.
E.g. downloading a standard report in PDF format

General Download
To download a report on the data listed in the default format.
E.g. downloading the results of Asset Search list.

File Upload
To upload files or documents
E.g. uploading a document to a document folder.

Toggles a menu to open or closed.
E.g. frequently seen on mobile view.

Toggles a filter menu open or closed.
E.g. filter menu button on the footer of the Fleet Grid.

To leave a page or process and return to the previous step.

To leave a page or process and return to the previous step.
E.g. returning to the previous page on the Single Trailer View.

To reload data on a page or in a list.

To scroll through the tabs on a toolbar.

To clone the fields of an entity and use them to create a new entity.
E.g. cloning the configuration of an asset to create a similar asset.

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